Names have been changed in this post to ambiguous nicknames for anonymity purposes.
Warning: This is a long post. There are lots of pictures to make up for that.
With the changing seasons, my hair color has molted as well. Here I am with blonde brown hair!
I have been recovering from Cinco De Mayo, apologies. Well, that and I have been super busy without access to the internets, Hatalicious can attest to this. Anyway, I had a spectacular time even though I was getting to the obnoxious point rather than the beligerant. I get very confused when I've been drinking and I lie for no reason.
Okay, back to the fun part. We went to Jack Quinn's, I arrived at around seven and we partied it up. Jack Quinn's is an Irish pub in Colorado Springs. If you ever are in the area, you MUST stop by! Anyway, we were drinking and having good conversation. I was going to post pictures, but I've decided some people probably wouldn't want that. If you'd really like to see pictures, you like my life way too much.
My unrequited crush (that has since fizzled into a formal respect for one another. . .), who I will refer to as Mr. S, showed up. Yeah... Mr. S. said that I will probably blog that he was a-hole, but I don't really know why. I've been shafted by so many men, it takes a lot of abuse for me to call a man an a-hole.
I'm the most rational unrationalist there is.
Number one on this list is, "You have to lead me on." Considering it is very clear where the line is drawn between Mr. S and I, number one is crossed off. Needless to say, I am sick of ambiguous relationships. They're pointless and stupid and nothing ever gets done. I miss the two men I have been closest to, but things change and people get hurt and then when it's all said and done it's better that Mr. Dash and Mr. Glove and I have parted ways. I am happier this way. Sometimes I do miss Mr. Dash. I think about it a lot, about the times we spent together late at night and just talked and I wish I still had someone like thati n my life, but there are ways you treat your girlfriend and there are ways you treat your best friend and when that line is blurred and confused, stuff gets all kinds of messed up. (This is the most coherent independent clause I have EVER written.)
I just looked up and at my desk I still have one thing from Mr. Dash. A postcard he sent me while in Spain. I just read it and thought about how wrong he was and how messed up things got. I don't know why I keep the postcard around. Maybe I just know despite being happier, there's a part of me that still wants to be miserable with him. And that part will always be there, though it gets smaller every day. Now this post is getting into relationships and that should really be reserved for another time.
Back to Cinco De Mayo, it was La Shenking's birthday and we had so much fun. I had to go home early because I had to teach Sunday school in the morning. As I was leaving, I fell. Oh wait let me amend taht, I was walking to my car with an armload of La Shenking's presents and I ran into a pole or fell. I got up and fell again. As a result, my arm hurts, my entire right side is scuffed up. I can't stop laughing about it even though I fell in the middle of downtown. I was also harassed by some women, but I was walking too fast and I was a little too drunk to turn around and talk to them.
Anyway, Cinco De Mayo is my new favorite holiday, so drink a beer and eat a taco for me.
My Knitting Adventures in Pictures:
Clementine Shawlette is DONE

Josie demonstrating the doneness of the Clemmy.

Gratuitous photo.

Ignore the fact I have borrowed a couple chairs from my church. this is how far I am on my two-tone ribbed shrug!
Oh man, that post made my day. Especially the line "I either ran into a post or fell". Nice. Yeah you were rather incoherent on the messaging that night lol. Anyways, forget stupid boys and you'll find a good one some day.
Josie looks rather cozy with the clem shawl.
What does the tattoo on your arm say? Yeah for Cinco De Mayo drinking!! Boo for stupid boys! =D
I love your clem. Whoa. That sounded dirty!
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