Tuesday, February 27, 2007

An Open Letter from Josephine

Dear members of getstitchy,
ARE YOU SERIOUS!? DID YOU SERIOUSLY DO THIS TO ME!? A knit-along is great. I love knit-alongs. Whilst ma was working on her green frog hat, I was able to sit and claw her lap as freely as I chose. Of course, I did not approve of the dye along especially since she does not seem to be giving it up. She doesn't let me drink the kool-aid or even stick my paw in the yarn! Naturally, I REALLY don't approve of this knit-along! Knit for a woman!? What about a Josephine!? What about Josephine rights!?

Girls and guys of getstitchy, next knit-along better be a Josephine-along. Make something for Josephine. If not buy something for Josephine. Specifically this bed. Otherwise, I quit! I disconnect my ma's modem and hide the cable! I could do it, I'm just that capable.

- Josephine

[this letter in no way reflects the owner of josephine's opinion. ]

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