Sunday, March 11, 2007

She Dyes On

Dye 3/11
Originally uploaded by manateeorama.
I don't have much to say. Other than the further evidence I cannot do math, there isn't much to report in knitting news.

I think I should comment on Haworth Hand-Dyed Yarn. I started dyeing yarn for profit just because I need a little extra income and I love dyeing but there is no way I could ever use all of the yarn I dye. Plus, I would much rather see other peoples' ideas. When I dye, I never know how my yarn will turn out that being said, if I don't like how it looks, I won't sell it. I have a couple skeins that I didn't want to put up for sale because they just didn't flow the way I usually like. If you look at the West Side Stitches's myspace, you'll notice that there is a skein that looks very much like the one I am featuring in this post. I didn't want to sell it because the color was uniform throughout the skein. Most people would like this, but I think hand-dyed yarn shouldn't look like it was dyed by a machine. Just me being me though.

I love this yarn. I want to keep it, but that would be selfish. That is why I choose to dye-- to share it with everyone else. :)


Hattie said...

Aww if you ever need help in the math department and knitting, I can do it! I'm decent at math. And that color is gorgeous. I really have to dye this week. It's been like a month!

c h r i s t i n e said...

ha ha, I do need help with that-- contact me and I'll give you my math problem. I am so confused!

crissy said...

hauling my calculator around still plus a few back up grands who crunch math alot better then me and my handy dandy cell phone LOL love the yarn by the way .

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