Tuesday, April 17, 2007

An Open Letter to Kurt Vonnegat

Dear Kurt Vonnegat,
I just want you to know that I see right through you. I have walked through book stores and libraries since your death and I can safely disclose that I know what you are doing. I see through your death for what it really is.

Free Publicity.

How do I know this? I will admit even though I am in love with being an Enlgish major, I had no idea who you were before you died. I haven't reached that part in American literature, which is a lame excuse, but I just don't have the a firm grasp on writers in this century. I do not apologize. But you know how I know your death is just a last ditch marketing effort by your publicist? Unlike you, my grandmother who is 85 is still alive. Maybe you should have re-thought that scheme. Maybe you should have lived just a couple years longer so that people couldn't say, "What!? I know like 30 people who are over 85 and THEY'RE STILL ALIVE."

Just something to put in your back pocket before you decide dying is the answer to getting your stuff read. That means you, Seamus Heaney.

That's right you surly old men.


Fancy Pants said...

My heart hurts with the knowledge that you haven't read any Vonnegut. Read "Breakfast of Champions" and laugh your ass off. I could give you the mother of all lists (hmmm...blog post idea?? I think so.) on post-modern American authors that you will probably not get to read in English lit classes (damned elitists! I was one so I can say that without impunity). I hope you are having a wonderful day. :)

Fancy Pants said...

I feel ya on the undergrad literature front. I remember reading way too early American literature (and where I got my graduate degree, in the South, that translates into a ton and a half of slave narrative and the like.). It's wonderful to have professors who can make anything cool. I think its related to how passionate they are about the subject matter. I know for certain you've read a ton more Brit lit than I have and now, together, we can rule the world with our vast knowledge of literature from around the world and throughout time.

Anonymous said...

You've seriously never read any Vonnegut? Any?

God, I don't even know why you're my BFF. My personal favorites are: Bluebeard, Mother Night, Cat's Cradle, Sirens of Titan--

eh fuck that just read some of his books. You can borrow some from me. A little Slaughterhouse Five? Eh? Eh?

pantoufle said...

I didn't start reading Vonnegut until my husband (ho is from Vermont) made me read one of his books. But, I had certainly heard of him. Even though I was an engineering major, I remember reading a lot more modern book in high school than college. But, a lot of English teachers in my high school were also professors at the liberal arts college in town.

Twitchy Knitter said...

Oh Sweet Pea, read some Vonnegut. My Momma introduced me to him when I was but a wee lass. My children were suckled on his words. Read them, dear one.

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