Sunday, May 13, 2007

busy little needles

crisp rectangle tunic top
Originally uploaded by manateeorama.
I started my next project. My two tone ribbed shrug has half of a sleeve done. Sweet, but slightly sad considering the sleeves are short and I am slightly lazy.

My Crisp Rectangle Tunic Top is actually about 1/4 of the way done, but I didn't count the rows and I'm about 80% sure it will look like crap if I continue so I am putting it on hold and forcing myself to finish the Shruglette.

I bought the On Deck Pullover pattern from knit picks. It'll be a great knit for a Colorado Summer.

Quick update-- I just tried on my shrug and it looks like the sleeves are actually a good length.. hmm...


Valerie said...

What a beautiful color. I am doing the nightgown from Mason Dixen Knitting with a similar color. You have to post pictures when you're done!

Hattie said...

Hurry up and get your yarn so we can start our wraps!

Sherri said...

You've been tagged! Now you need to go to my blog to read the rules.
~ Sherri

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