Wednesday, May 30, 2007



  • I found my next 100 books. Keep track of what I'm reading through my other blog, "Sometimes I Read."
  • I talked myself into getting a Nintendo Wii. (Best purchase ever)
  • I spent WAY too much money on sewing patterns (10 patterns for $80!). Most of them are clothes aside from one for this Amy Butler Nappy bag that is way too cute. I also have no clue on where to buy the fabric or even which fabrics to buy.
  • I finished the collar on my Puff-Sleeved Femme Cardi. Not much other knitting news. Slowly though, slowly.


Fancy Pants said...

Hey sweetie. I just read back through your earlier posts because I haven't visited you in a while. I've been an editing slave. I will address your cucumber questions in my next blog post so stay tuned. Per the calla lily, don't put it in direct sunlight and when it quits blooming, cut the stalks down and they will grow anew and huge. The whole reason I checked into your blog is because Bruce Springsteen came on the radio here and I thought of you. I hope you are awesome. I'll check back in with you soon.

Hattie said...

100 books, jeez. I don't even have time to read one...

Valerie said...

The WII is a device sent from the Gods! I love that thing, and I also believe it was one of our best investments! Congrats on Getting one!! I think I may "borrow" your book reading blog idea. I like keeping my hobbies seperate besides if I wrote about all the books I read, I would seriously never have the room to talk about knitting. -=giggle=-

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