Before I respond to my double tag by Valerie and Sherri, I just want to let everyone know that I completely updated my flickr page. Seriously check it out if you like to stalk me.
If you find yourself in the Colorado Springs area and you see someone walking around with a gaudy purse such as this one, you're probably looking at me.
Okay. Seven things you probably don't know about me:
1. I've been a writer since I was five. The moment I learned how to write, I wrote my own stories. My first "book" was in seventh grade. I've dabled in poetry, but short stories will always be my first love.
2. As a child, I was severely shy. Shy to the point I would not talk to any stranger. My parents still don't believe I've grown out of it.
3. My first love will always be music. My favorite type of music is folk and/or bluegrass followed by "indie." I could listen to Bruce Springsteen, Rilo Kiley, and/or The Elected ALL DAY. I played the piano for nine years, the violin for two and the autoharp for a yearish. I despise country music.
4. I lie when I tell people their small dogs are cute. I worked at PETsMART for four years, and I love all animals. Except for small dogs. I think they look deformed.
5. I am terrified of sloths. Terrified.
6. Every day at 2pm, I sing "Monster Mash." I do not know why.
7. It literally takes me hours to write my blogs and even though they aren't fantastic, they are always combed through very carefully.
I'm supposed to tag some people but I don't really feel like making links right now so I won't.
Finally, I need a new job. If anyone knows of their business hiring, let me know. I totally am willing to move. I need some air. I am completely frustrated at my job right now and I need to get out.
I hate small dogs too! I always thought they were annoying. My hatred doubled when my grandma's tiny football looking dog, bit my ankle.
I loathe them!
Yeah, what's the point of having a dog if it's not big? Just get a cat.
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