Monday, July 30, 2007

obsession much?

must not stop knitting. must continue knitting. must find every project possible to knit. must cancel all plans to knit. must knit with alpaca. must knit. must knit.

have discovered am alpaca knitting zombie.

p.s. i despise waking up at 6am.


Melissa said...

We shall start a support group. ;)

Valerie said...

You and me both. I detest the whole routine in all actuality. On a yarn note, that would be sooo awesome if you tried that colorway! I was also curious if you would consider making a hufflepuff, yellow and black (not bubblebee looking but something snazzy) sock yarn or yarn. I would pay you whatever you wanted as long as it didn't total up to 25 dollars. -=giggle=- That breaks my budget.

I would be on the day of the dead bandwagon in a heartbeat! Let me know if you decide to do it! That would be awesome!

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