Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday Friday Friday

It's weird how fast this week has gone by. I'm kind of sick of sitting in a classroom. I want to go outside and run around and be a scrapper again, but I must be good and follow directions and not threaten to hurt people anymore. My sense of humor has diminished at the new job and I have to watch what I say and I can no longer make fun of my own race. I must be good and sit and smile and not pull out my hair at this one girl.

Still, even with me being on my best behavior-- this week has been fantastic. Even through the boring bits, I've enjoyed this job.

I had a date (I think) last night. Not completely sure how it went, because I am socially retarded. I'm not much of a date or relationship person because I am very impatient and I don't like playing games. I *think* this has been developing for a bit, but again, I am socially retarded. I guess we'll know more later this week. Everything must be straight forward or I get bored and wander off. Hmm...

No knitting is getting done... I'm about halfway through the body of the R&TRP. I've been working on it through random naps. (I slept through Monk!)

Does anyone else listen to Rilo Kiley? Have you heard their new CD? I am ... undecided.

1 comment:

elizabeth marley said...

I guess, if he asks you out for a second date, then last night was a first date?

I heart Rilo Kiley, but I haven't heard the new cd yet. Not so good?

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