Monday, August 13, 2007

Quick Update

I cannot wait for the cold weather it is so effing hot! I can't stop knitting though. I'm completely addicted to knitting my designs as of late. My SMC turned out to be an ugh! I'm frogging it because the cables were messed up and I have some GREAT ideas for next time. However, SMC is on hold because I am working on my R&TRP. Then comes the MBMH. All these codes make me antsy! I just finished the yoke. I just realized something today though. All these directions for sweaters are built for people with arms that are in proportion to their bust. I do not have such luck. I know now how to write the pattern for hate appropriate size, yaay.

Today I started my new job. All I have to say is that employee orientation drags on and on. I have training until November... yeah... I have a test on August 29th that i have to pass to get licensed in CO and blah blah. I don't like insurance. Tomorrow I'm going to bring The Grapes of Wrath so I can read on my lunch break :).

Also, I have to make note cards tomorrow.

Also, I don't think I'm going to knit gifts because I am so effing addicted to knitting myself sweaters!


elizabeth marley said...

So many code names!

I'm sure the new job will get better. You can't be a trainee forever.

Fancy Pants said...

Whee! I can't wait to see your creations. Sorry SMC is not to your liking. I thought it was pretty groovy but I know how it can go (see TaTa Tube for proof. Again, WTF was I thinking??).

Shannon said...

Do you like your job so far now that it's been a few days?

Anonymous said...

You deserve to knit yourself sweaters; only knit gifts when you feel like it! That's the rule (now I just need to follow it; it's been ages since I knit a sweater for me).

Hope the job gets more interesting!

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