Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Something gookie is in my eye...

more SMC progress
Originally uploaded by manateeorama
Today I slept without shame in the middle of the day.

Check it out, check it out! Progress on the SMC, I'll post a couple more shots, but I'm seriously thinking about possibly submitting this pattern so I don't know how much I should post. I think the cables looks surly (hint hint), don't you? Like they can't quite get it right. Hehehe... I do need some help with the patterns.

This IS the color of the cardi, obviously. I got my natural yarn and it has taken over my apartment. Tomorrow my goal is to clean then start dyeing... okay. Tonight my goal is to clean off my table and clean up my kitchen THEN tomorrow I can dye and work on my cardi. Also, I need to find a tailor to hem my new work pants. And i need more clothes to cover up the ink at my new job.

Lastly, I only have one knitter on my AIM list and that's Hattie. As much as I enjoy talking to her, I'd love to talk to the rest of you as well because she's not always around when I have knitting questions. My AIM name is manateeorama so shoot me a message sometime.

Don't worry by the time I published, I got the eye gook out of my eye.


Hattie said...

Ooooooh it looks so good so far!!! I agree, don't show too much, or you can always self publish...I've got InDesign!

Fancy Pants said...

I think that is a right pretty beginning to a sweater. I miss you too! I was thinking about it this morning. I have been putting together a goodie box for you full of fun stuff and I promise I will get my post office-loathing ass to the post and mail it. Soon! It's quite lovely to know you are my friend out there in cyberspace. I don't have AIM or I would add you. There was something else I was going to say but I forgot. Oh yeah! Congratulations on the new job. Go take over the company. How's Ms. Josie? I'll be back soon. Btw, I visit your blog regularly but I suck and don't comment as often as I should. Okay, I'm done rambling now. :)

Fancy Pants said...

I just thought of something else...I'm also designing a preppy sweater and I need help. Consultation time! We can help each other...do you know anything about double decreases for a v-neck?

Shannon said...

That looks good so far! And I can't wait till you start posting stuff on Etsy...I have seen some of your stuff from other bloggers and I think there's a skein or so that has my name on it

Anonymous said...

The sweater is looking great so far; I can't believe you are designing so many things at once!

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