Saturday, August 4, 2007

Yes, I ride the short bus.

Last night I realized I have 0 yellow dye! I ordered some with a swift and a yarn baller and a yarn meter. I figured if I'm going to make skeinlets etc. I better do it properly. Hopefully I will not dye my carpet this time. (yellow is cursed!) Also hopefully, I will get the yarn soon. I placed an order (yeah, I broke my yarn diet), and it hasn't gotten here! It's been like a week and a half.

I want everyone to get excited though because I cannot WAIT to dye this yarn... ooooh and you guys have given me so many GREAT ideas!

More to come more to come more to come.

Update: I'm still waiting for this damn package to come. It's raining really hard outside. I hope the mail man gets very wet.

Update 2: I just drove to get some dinner and it is raining like Jesus just got kicked in the balls or something. I went to check my mail and yaay the package came! Not yaay, I had to step through a couple inches of water just to get it. Pictures of my soaked jeans later.


elizabeth marley said...

Well I'm excited!

Hattie said...

"it is raining like Jesus just got kicked in the balls"


Glad you got your yarn. ;)

Valerie said...

You're phrasing is too funny. -=giggle=- Glad to hear you got your order. I can't wait to see and purchase what you make with it!!

Shannon said...

You are too funny! :) I can't wait to see what you'll do.

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