Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I swear I would post in here, if I had something to say. Seriously, I don't have much going on. What's been happening the past week?




I think I could possibly be in a relationship, but we haven't really talked about it, so I don't really know. I'm kind of one of those girls who jumps the gun a lot, so I am not going to call it something I'm not absolutely sure of what it is. I'm having a good time, but don't worry. He is not eating up much of my time.

I made cookies last night.

I have been working nonstop on my Interlocking Balloons scarf. It's very long and I have only three repeats left. Except each repeat equals 44 rows... Still, it's huge and I am so in love, but I am bummed that I am actually giving it away. I have other projects going on, but Interlocking Balloons is really eating up my time.

1 comment:

Hattie said...

Yay for almost being done with the scarf!

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