Saturday, October 27, 2007

Good morning, Baltimore

I am a music fiend. I love everything there has to do with music. I love instruments, writing music, lyrics, but mostly I love live shows. I love love LOVE live shows. I went to Rilo Kiley last month and they are my favorite band (Springsteen is in another category, but he wins overall who I love the most.) Last night I went to nathan & stephen, which is my favorite band from Denver. They rocked the fucking house. Oh man. They were followed by two bands that I just didn't get. I mean, I am totally one of those people who appreciates music for what it is, but I don't understand the appeal of one clashing sound being held for ten minutes long. I got two FUCKING AWESOME shirts last night though. FIVE DOLLA EACH!

Speaking of my love for music:

Meet cubbyPod. Yes, I conformed and am now an owner of an MP3 player and an iPod at that. She's beautiful though. I think Apple is psychic because I got her Friday morning. I was getting ready and I had exactly twenty minutes before I had to leave for work and I had just turned off my hair dryer when I heard the doorbell. It was FedEx! They totally had my iPod and I was able to sync my iPod in exactly twenty minutes. TWENTY MINUTES! Exactly twenty minutes!

This morning I started boogieing while listening to my cubbyPod and the next thing I knew I was cleaning! It's much better than ti was, though it needs a good finishing going over with a vaccuum and a little more organization to mandate it "clean," but either way, it's a significant improvement.

I'm returning to the land of sleeves now...


Hattie said...

Yay for ipods! I love ours.

Twitchy Knitter said...

mp3 players rule. I love my pretty pink iPod.

Valerie said...

I love my Ipod. I don't know quite how I could function without one. Congrats on the cleaning spree and Hooray for great music!

pantoufle said...

Your room makes me feel not so bad about my house. I'm a total slob and my husband hates it.

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