Thursday, November 1, 2007

I can Halloween, can you?

Before scrolling down and checking out these pictures I need to warn you...

I am pregnant (wait for it) (wait for it) Britney Spears.

Sarah as Leela, Amanda as Bride of Frankenstein, this weird Asian pregnant Britney Spears, Casey as Jerry SIZZLER!, Jason (coughcough) as a biker.

I don't care what they say about Britney...

All she does is care for her children. She drinks plenty of beer to keep her children nourished with beer. She doesn't let just anyone take care of it.

do you like my pose in the photos? I worked on it the best I could. I'm drinking me some Fat Tire and I had a good night's sleep. Now I have to work off my Halloweenie weekend and make up for the total lack of knitting I've been doing. I have some Junior Mints with my name on them...

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Those pictures and your costume are awesome! I was wondering have you gotten your package yet lady?

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