Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Project Runway 4: We Just Let The Freaks In

Okay. I'll admit all I seem to watch these days is the E! Channel (Um, hello! Joel McHale is HOT!) and Bravo. So that's why a lot of my posts are inspired by that. Okay, but that detracts from the point. This season of Project Runway is just a walking freak show. I mean there are the obvious ones who get your goat like the crazy ass hippie chick and the little snotty asshole designer who is WAY too full of himself, but let me tell you what is really bothering me... THE HATS. COME ON! How come these people are so super fashionable, but all of their hats look like they've come off of go-go dancers, blind pimps, and/or Ashton Kutcher? I'm not even annoyed by the personalities anymore. I hope everyone wearing an awful hat gets voted off. (I haven't completely finished this weeks episode of PR, so I"m crossing my fingers this comes true.) Ricky, I want you off first.

In news that actually pertain to real life (or at least knitting life), look at the fabulous mitt I designed to go with my new hat:

I'm going to make the other one tomorrow, but I'm calling it the Snuffy Mitt. It's not snug, it's like wearing a sleeve with a hole in it... I'm going to wear the m to work because they're going to be SOOO comfy.

So, I mentioned last post that I've been kind of short on time but only because I haven't been skimping on working out. I wanted to give you guys a little healthy snack if you're in a crunch for time. Elizabeth suggests "open bag, eat pretzels". Here's my favorite snack that satisfies my sweet tooth but doesn't break my diet.

1. Cut up apple (I use Honeycrisp Apples, if you haven't tried one go out buy one and eat it immediately. I don't care if you don't like apples. These apples will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.)
2. Open light vanilla yogurt
3. Dip apple in yogurt
4. Eat.

If you're super lazy what you could do is put the yogurt in a bowl and just dip the apple and take bites out of it. Yes, I contemplated doing this.

Just try and beat this presentation, contestants of Top Chef!

I am off to enjoy a nice warm bed and late wake up time.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Those gloves are prettiful!! So I am balancing the budget tomorrow and will be paying for the yarn (at least 1/2) tomorrow. =)

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