Monday, November 12, 2007

Yes, I do have a case of the Mondays. Thanks for violating my HIPPA rights.

In all honesty, I am not exactly sure what HIPPA rights are. All I know is you aren't supposed to discuss medical problems or something.

Oh man, it IS Monday. I snoozed through Pilates this morning thanks to my alarm not going off. In other yarn jar related news, I can't count how many apples I've eaten in the past week, but it's definitely between 7-8. Has anyone else tried Honey Crisp apples? They're freaking delicious! Plus last night I had fruit instead of fries. Whooo .50 for the jar. ANother thing, grilled cheese is NOT that tasty for breakfast.

What else has happened since Saturday? Oh, I learned that if I'm filling out a special order, I shouldn't do a tutorial at the same time. Yeah, my colors were way too dark for the special order. Thankfully, I'm still waiting on more alpaca anyway, so I wouldn't have completely completed the order, since I've bought all my supplier's alpaca or something. Hm... what else, what else? Doesn't supplier sound like I'm talking about a crack deal or something?

Balls. I would continue this post, but tonight I am super busy and I have to finish getting some stuff together before I go to work. Plus, I can't eat my apple and type-- it makes my keyboard sticky.

Much love.

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