Thursday, March 15, 2007

For Your Consideration

giant yarn ball
Originally uploaded by manateeorama.
This is a drive-by blogging. I only have ten minutes before I have to start reading. I ended up going shopping last night instead of studying... and so I had to skip a class so I could catch up on reading... Plus I have a study group tonight... good job, me.

Anyway, I am in love with how gigantic this ball of yarn was. It was bigger than my hand, which isn't saying much, but still makes me love it. The yarn is all knit up now :( No pictures because I frogged what I knit and am now re knitting.

Thank you everyone for the kind comments. You knitters are really fantastic.

Now this is a question for you--
Have any of you seen all of Christopher Guest's films from Spinal Tap to A Mighty Wind? Did you see For Your Consideration? What are your thoughts on For Your Consideration? Are you confusedl ike me?

I am in a total fre-fall in thoughts. I bought For Your Consideration last night and I'm just... I don't know! Confused. I'm going to have to watch the movie (and this is where I sound obsessive) at least two more times before I think I can fully grasp everything. I'll put a more detailed post about it later. This weekend I have to clean my apartment and car-- my friend, J, is coming from Saint Louis for Spring Break and J, Arie, and I are going to Vegas shortly after.

I am EFFING excited!


Valerie said...

Hope you have fun! It's not obsessive to watch a movie over and over to understand it. I think I had to watch Muholland Drive like 3 or 4 times and I still don't think I grasp the actual underlying concept of that movie. -=giggle=-

pantoufle said...

I wasn't so sure about For Your Consideration, either. (But, I had just shared a bottle of wine with my DH.) I think it may be too "Insider Hollywood" for us average folks (too Playeresque, if you will). Both my husband & I beleive that Best in Show is CG's best work.

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