Saturday, March 17, 2007


I just learned that if you aren't careful, "titleless" can be a horrible misspelling.

Also, I added two new people to my list of Blogettes <3! I love the comments, seriously. I soak them up like a little duck sponge!

In other news, I feel like I have gotten NO knitting done this week. However, HOWEVER, I got my first set of Acid dyes yesterday. Wow. Talk about a lot more work than Kool-Aid. I don't know which I like more though. See, the colors that Kool-Aid provide are nice, but if I want deep blues and purples I just won't get it. I think the important thing is that I'm trying new types of dyeing. I really love dyeing... I spell "dying" with an "e" because I think the statement "I love dying" sounds weird. Sometimes, I wake up, walk to the mirror and wonder if I could get any more nerdy. Mostly, the answer is no.

So in all of my previous relationships, it's been so easy. Guy meets me. He says, "can I have your number?" I try to be flirtatious and say, "Maybe." (many misunderstandings ensue) then we exchange numbers. Then we start talking and then one day he says, "I like you." and I giggle and say, "Okay." We date for a while then he devotes his life to marijuana again. I don't smoke marijuana, by the way. I just seem to date a lot of men who do. Anyway, I have a predicament. So even though I am graduating soon and I really don't know what I'm going to be doing, I really really like this guy (probably because he doesn't strike me as the type who has ever been a stoner nor casually smoked marijuana...) and I've never really had to make the first move ever. I feel like he likes me, but then he'll do something and it will be like I'm back to square one. I feel like I'm in high school again. I might also note that when it comes to men I am a (for lack of better terms) chicken shit.

Oh bajebes! Am I in high school again!? Answers to my pending questions would be lovely.

-- E.


Valerie said...

I know the pot pain. I had the same problem before I met my current boyfriend. It drove me nuts that they couldn't go anywhere baked. If you've got a boy that obviously isn't going to make the first move then you just may casually want to ask him out on a date. See if you click in that general direction. =) Otherwise you can do the truly highschool thing and get a friend to ask him if he likes you. =P

I love commenting so expect many more. =D

Hattie said...

I get that too. I was never serious with any of those guys but they were good at getting your hopes up. There was this one guy who I liked and he came over to watch movies, and said he was stepping outside real fast for a smoke a cigarette and after ten mins I look out and he's gone! Well his old friends lived in the same apt complex so he had wandered over there. Mind you he'd just gotten out of rehab. So I call him and he's like I'll be right back. He like stumbles back hours later drunk as hell and passes out. Oh boy...

crissy said...

well frist off i am the one asked my hubby to marry me since i knew he wouldnt ask but i could see he wanted too LOL its been a wonderful good grief 22 years.
and second he is very alergic to pot. thank god because i wouldnt date or run with anyone hooked on drugs. alcohol was bad enough. either way its a horrible ride. if i were single i would run the other way waiting for the right one with out the excess bagage is well worth the effort i say. you would save yourself alot of un nessasary pain :)

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