Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Birthday Will Be A National Holiday...

Or a national day of mourning.

Right now I am packing, cleaning and waiting for Arie to stop by. My apartment is just bad right now.

I also two midterms tomorrow. I must decide between sleep and studying. Studying is winning.


Hattie said...

Icky midterms. They say if you study right before you sleep you remember more...

Valerie said...

What a great picture. Good luck on the exams and remember if you don't sleep it doesn't set in.

crissy said...

heck i used to fall asleep studying and hoping if the book fell on me the right way it would all sink in LOL never knew if it helped or not would wake up and shove it under my pillow.
your going to do fine hattie jsut fine go enjoy yourself at the beach. even miss fur ball is going to make it through all this too . she is so so cute what a ham.
tell her fuzzy in alaska said hi. that is my cats name miss fuzzy. she raised the dog here. LOL go figure its alaska :)

Chloe Fletcher said...

hey, same birthday! fun.

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