As always, thank you so much to those of you who have donated. I can't say it enough. Josie appreciates it to so much! Even seven dollars helps. Besides that, I get to clear out the bins of yarn I have and I'll (possibly) work on some more dyes. Here's some good news. Josie's behavior has returned to almost normal. She's scrapping and running around already! I can tell it's going to be a hard four weeks for her, staying inside the closet the whole time. We were snuggling together when I took this picture. The leg that she is laying on is actually the bad shoulder, she was playing with the other leg. I should also note that the picture in the previous blog was taken a day before the accident. SHe is no where ear pain free enough to be playing with her toy favorite right now.
I may be selling some artwork soon. Check out my flickr page (pres Josie's picture) to see the ducking I painted.
I'm working on a Calorimetry in the color scheme "Queen Marie." I was tagged by Erika as a "rockin' girl blogger." I tag
Melissa and
Hattie :).
Ah! Thanks! :)
Alright lovely! I got the yarn you had reserved for me. Thank you for doing that by the way. =) It's not much and it's definitely less than what I wanted to give you. Vacations around the corner and Grim would kill me if I spent all our fund on yarn. -=giggle=-
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