Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I need you HP fans!

I'll admit it, it's been a while since I read Harry Potter. It's been since the fifth book since I read Harry Potter. And it's only because I've been so afraid that Neville Longbottom was going to die. He and I are akin. I've read the spoilers and I won't say what happens, but I should at least read the sixth book. So, I need all you Harry Potter fans' help.

As many of you know, I'm going to be dyeing a lot next week and I am using the following as influences:
Harry Potter
The Royal Tenenbaums
Marie Antoinette

I'm also debating on doing a Day of the Dead yarn. I bought 4480 yrds of sock yarn (extra fine merino superwash) and 2660 yards of DK 100% alpaca. Plus I have two custom orders and miscellaneous bits of yarn here and there. The sock yarn will be divided into 200 yrds "skeinlets" (haha, such a cute name!) and they'll be sold for an amazingly decent price (probably around $5-6).

Now here's the thing. I don't want to ONLY do the house colors for my HP yarns. I mean seriously, how many colorways can you have with just gold/red, silver/blue, black/yellow, silver/green? How boring is that? How many times do I have to see that? I will probably do HP houses, especially since Valerie suggested it.

I want other colors that scream "Harry Potter." Such as Emerald Green for Harry's eyes, Brassy red and brown for the Weasleys, the colors of Umbridge's robes. Stuff like that. So, submit your ideas to me either through my comments or through ravelry or through email (springsteena at hotmail dot com)


Shannon said...

I hope you're hocking Marie Antoinette yarn up where I can get some

Shannon said...

Personally, I like sock yarn.

Valerie said...

I'll get to thinking on color scheme ideas. -=giggle=- I agree with you about the house colors being over played, you're right indeed. -=giggle=- But I want a pair of Huffle Puff socks that don't make me look like a Bumble Bee. -=giggle=- I can't wait! Definitely bright orange, red, golds - The Phoenix Faux (right?) Or light blues and purples for Dumbledor's robes. -=giggle=- Already thinking.

Melissa said...

I think the ghosts deserve some love. A Nearly Headless Nick colorway or a Moaning Myrtle colorway...

You could also do a D.A. colorway or a Snape colorway... Dobbie should get some love too... And even Kreature...

Valerie said...

Yeah for Kreature! -=giggle=- I don't know why I have a fondness for him. Oh Jesus, you're going to break my yarn diet. I am going to definitely pick up as much as I can. -=giggle=-

pantoufle said...

The HP sock patterns at may give you some ideas. They have Bellatrix, Nagini, and Fawkes patterns. What about some hot pink and other colors for Tonks' hair?

swansong said...

Royal Tenenbaums inspired yarn :O !!!!

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