Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ten Second Blogging

Drank too much (six fucking beers) but not to worried because I called Dames. Am home safely. Enjoy the job so far. Training until October. Bummer but necessary. Was supposed to make note cards but too drunk to do so now.

Love you all. Thanks for comments. Read all blogs later.


Eight hours later...

Wow, that was the most coherent post ever. I would delete it, but I find it way too funny and everyone needs amusement. I think there should be a warning on my blog, "Do not read while drinking liquids." Just ask Hattie McLattie.

My new job started on Monday. I'm going through New Employee Orientation right now. It's really long. I'm in training until October. I'm working at USAA which is the insurance company for U.S. military. Military people are hard to insure because they move around a lot etc. Yesterday, they showed us all these videos about military men dying for our lives etc. The bitch I am, my goal was to be the bitch that I am and not cry. I was successful. This guy at my table was crying like a little girl. I texted my friend Rachael, "They're trying to make us cry, but I have nerves of steel and am not a pussy."

Yeah, I'm awesome.

Oh and before I get 400 e-mails telling me that I'm an a-hole for not supporting the troops. I am supporting the troops by working for USAA. I'll be helping them get things in order before they deploy and taking care of their families when they're overseas or TDY or even just there. I don't think I have to be emotional and cry at every flipping thing to love America. Oh and before I get 500 e-mails condemning me for being pro-Bush and pro-war and loving America. I'm politically apathetic. I am doing this job because I plan on retiring at 40 (more like 45) and pursuing what I want ot do from then on. I don't care about politics. I don't care about the news. I think that we live in a great country and I'm very grateful for it.

Anyway, that's the news for today. Everything is kind of going fast and I still can't believe I have the job. IT's a great company to work for and my new goal in life is to retire at 40.


Unknown said...

Job is a job. Not a political statement.
If you get any crap send them my way I have not gone redneck on someone in awhile lol

congrats on your job!

Valerie said...

-=chuckles=- You're too funny. Particularly the part about not crying over the video. I myself probably would have lost the job right then. I have a tendency to get I really bad sense of humor in moments where I should be crying. -=giggle=-

Glad to hear you like the job! Glad you also have the goal of retiring at 40. You might be the last one in this country to do so. =P

Anonymous said...

hee hee, you pretty much covered every opinion there :) I wouldn't have cried either; cuz I'm a bitch too ;-)

Hattie said...

Haha, I woulda been the one bawling if it were me. ;)

I'm so glad you got the job and thta you love it!

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