Monday, September 24, 2007

Cupcake Club!

If I start working out, can I start making gourmet cupcakes? I seriously want to start making a batch a week. I think I will start saving up and buy nice supplies for cupcake making week by week. WHen I start making them, I can give them to my co-workers, I just want to make beautiful things to eat that don't come out of a box...

My secret to delicious meals: pasta roni.

On a high since I finished the hat in one day, I picked up the SMC. If you don't remember her, she resembled this in planning stages:

Well, she didn't end up looking so well through no fault of her own, so I decided to tweak the design and start again. This time with a better front. (The back was perfecto! The front... not so much.)

More details as she knits up. I am truly truly excited about this design...


Hattie said...

Yay! Send me some cupcakes, cupcake!


I can't wait to test knit it for you! Hurry up and finish already!

Valerie said...

-=giggle=- I'm with Hattie! I want to Test knit too!

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