Sunday, October 21, 2007

Oh that silly little Jack Frost...

YOu know how I showed you that five o' clock shadow Mr. Pikes Peak grew? Well Colorado weather just had his own way with the city of Colorado Springs...

This is what I woke up to at about 8am. It stuck for quite a while.

See that Budget truck? Those are my new dill hole neighbors who moved in and took my garage spot and now I'm parked under the place that has leaks. They also broke the elevator in my apartment. I went to the office and I get to be an a-hole if they park in my garage spot again.

When I left church this morning I had quite a bit of snow on my car!

I also got a couple more inches on my next sweater.

Just before I frogged it... :) I'm actually to the point I stopped earlier. This one I am calling "WUTSSC." Of course I'm not going to tell you the anagram now! It would give away the ending...

Last but not least, I wound up some skeins I'd been putting off. I'm waiting for a response before I post them for sale. Look how pretty this alpaca is. You are very tempted by it...

Well, I have to get my ass kicked by Pilates in the morning. Bed time!


Hattie said...

Well you already know that I think the yarn is gorgeous.

LOOK! Snow!!!

elizabeth marley said...

And in Pennsylvania, we're expecting a high of 75 degrees today!

Anonymous said...

Oh YUCK! Hate snow.

It's in the 70's here in Maine today (and I love it).

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