Good news everyone, I did not break an ab after all! For a while I thought I broke something in my stomach region since I couldn't get out of bed without dying. My body feels better now that the Pilates have stopped. (Pilates will resume Monday.) Bad news... I didn't work out today, but tomorrow I will FORCE myself to go instead of nap on the couch for endless hours.
Despite my not going to the gym today, it was over all productive. I am about two inches away from finishing the body of my SMC (which isn't that productive, but I'm about to go pick it up.) and I cleaned up one of the three piles of cat vomit. The other two were presents when I get home.

Josephine: I'm innocent! See my smile?
I spent a much needed day with Laurizzle. We haven't hung out for more than a couple hours since August, when I quit PROCOM. Before then, we saw each other almost every day for about a year. Since I worked out my budget last night (pat me on the back) I allowed myself a day out (on a conservative budget.)

We ate sushi at my favorite place, Mobo Sushi. My sushi man made up this one for me. I call this creation, "Killer Beach Party."

Poor sushis... they never had a chance...
We saw Hairspray, which I loved! OMG, it's so cute. I love musicals and I just love the message in this one-- let the person on the inside determine who you are rather than what people see on the outside.
We went to Knitter's Kove. I bought a skein of Berroco's Ultra Alpaca. It's to knit a swatch for the sweater after SMC.

Also, I got Crazy Aunt Purl's book! I'm sure you all have seen the cover, but I want to show you guys anyway.

Notice the ball winder, four hundred kinds of make up and the chair. Well, I am so happy I got some time with Laurizzle and now it's time for some much needed quality time with CAP's book and Feeney (My new nickname for Josephine.)
You've got the good make-up! ;)
Which reminds me I'm almost out...
That sushi looks pretty cool! Though I would never eat it. ;P
Cutest sushi ever!
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