Friday, October 19, 2007

Ooooh, my lovely lovelies...

I didn't realize how bad it had gotten. I really really hadn't. It was brought to my attention that my blog has been severely lacking in all departments. Lack of pictures, lack of content, lack of knitting! Now the last two weeks, I've been working on getting longer more interesting posts, but it has been going on for a lot longer than two weeks. For months even! So this is the beginning of a make over. I'm going to start blogging humorously and often and make it worth your reading.

So here is for my new beginning:

On Wednesday, I woke up super early and I went to the gym for Pilates. I'll admit I wasn't sure what Pilates was before that morning. It had something to do with Yoga but it was completely different than Yoga. So my co-worker and I went to the gym and tried it out. (She had been to Pilates before). I am pretty sure Pilates was only invented to kick your own ass. I coughed today and thought I got punched in the stomach-- my abs hurt that much. It was a good hurt, the same hurt your fist may feel after punching Martha Stewart in the face. I need a minute to relish in how that would actually feel. Two days later, my abs are still feeling as though they've been mauled by Jesus. I weighed myself and I was absent three pounds. I'm not going to be a compulsive weigher, don't worry. I also haven't worked out since Wed, so tomorrow I'll have to get back in the grind.

On Thursday, I woke up to something fantastic:

No, the mountain doesn't have a five o'clock shadow. First hint of snow! Another great thing I've woken up to the past couple days... bad hair. So I pulled it back for the first time in months. I took a picture to show.
Whoo, I look super awesome, huh?

We also have a new addition to the Red Hat family!!

This is Andre! Isn't he adorable? He's a little Betta fish I purchased for work. I love him, he's spectacular.

I know this will sound like a total cop out, but my knitting right now is sporadic and I am designing a sweater and don't want to take tons of pictures until it's done. So here are some tempting progress pictures of my sweater. I'm in the home run stretch of the knit. Four inches left!

Time to get jamming. And by jamming I mean pa-jammaing.


Valerie said...

Punching Martha Stewart in the face would definitely be a moment of rapture!! Rosie O'Donnell falls really close second on the punching list though. Glad to hear you're going to post more, we miss you! Oh and your package was sent yesterday and you have to sign for it.

Melissa said...

Oh thank god! A much better blog post! ;) No more slcking for you missy. ;) Love Andre, love the snow, love the sweater. Done and done.

Hattie said...

Now THAT was a great post. Lots of stuff. I can't wait to see the whole sweater!

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