Anywho, onto the good stuff. Can you guess what I'm knitting for the Wes Anderson Swap on ravelry? (Sorry for the blurriness)

If you go to my flickr, you might see a hint ;).
I was poking around blogs today and I discovered this absolute gem on a post by Julie over at Team Knit. Uhh can I hear Christine's next big project?

So I'm totally trying to manage all the knitting I have, but with a couple deadlines it's been kind of funky. I am going to have yarn as well as a new mitten pattern to post up.
One Top Chef sidebar: The fact they cut Tre and not Brian on Restaurant Wars Part II, still makes me mad. I'm glad that the reunion showed how much each chef used the same techniques.
I burned my finger on my straightening iron this morning. I'm so mad!
Okay, it's time to go back to knitting and continue watching Top Chef Reunion ;D.
Oh my god I miss cable more than life itself. I didn't even know we were loving the 80's in 3D now.
Also, I don't know what you're making with that yarn, but I love those colors together. Go you being all up on the Autumnal tip.
Sorry, it's very early in the morning. For me.
Thanks for the shout out! When I had shorter hair, I used to curl it, and decided to grow it long again when I had burned myself with the curling iron one too many times. My hair is so stick straight. Funny how no matter what kind of hair you have, you want something else!
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