First my open letter was regarding this:

Yeah, that's totally from eating shit on the stairs at Champps. The stairs were SO slippery! I just realized how cold my hands are. Thanks to GossamerFlame over on ravelry, she sent me yummy pictures of all sorts of mitts and I knew I have to make some. I'm trying really hard to think of some fantastic cabled patterns especially since the article in the latest Interweave Knits. I'm thinking Alpaca Silk, simple cables, and long "stems" as I call them. Leaf inspired, yes...
Speaking of designs:

Look how much the SMC has grown! Doesn't she look beautiful? I need some test knitters to volunteer to try my pattern. A couple things: 1. You will get detailed pictures. 2. You'll have to do a better job than me following the cable chart (and it isn't hard just looks complicated). I'm not going to sell it, but I will definitely want to compensate you somehow.
Also, as far as my yarn goes, I'm planning on listing it very soon. I couldn't stop sleeping today but as soon as I get outside I'll get pictures.
Right now, I'm starving and I have GOT to go grocery shopping. Plus, I've been trying to update my Bloggerinos list, but I'm not entirely through. If you read the blog but don't see your name on the list, leave me a comment so I can add you.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! I hope you at least got free dinner for that! If not you best call them and get it!
Ooooh can't wait to knit that. When you gonna send it to me so I can start already???
Ouch lady. That bruise warrants a punch to a mangers nose. I'll help you out test knitting if you would like.
Ah! That is one mother of a bruise. Get a salve with arnica oil in it (from the health food store) and rub that on it and it will cut healing time in half. You know I'd love to test knit for you. Just let me know. I'm almost finished with the commissioned knitting I have to do so I'll have time coming up here shortly. I hope you are doing well otherwise. :)
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