Tuesday, December 4, 2007

le sigh

I don't know what's going on with me lately. It seems as though I'm not doing that great emotionally. I think it's the time of the year and I've been thinking about all the things that are going on and went on around the past year and it's kind of bringing me down. Last night, I couldn't finish my work out. I felt really dizzy and I threw up. I tried to go to work today and after an hour I was feeling like shit. Everyone said I looked super pale. I have been sleeping on the couch and watching TV. I think I was just really dehydrated. I guess we'll see.

So in other news, I was modeling for my bff J's photo shoot (pictures to come later) and I ended up with a nice bruise.

It actually resembles New Zealand! I think it is a prophecy that I should be in charge of New Zealand. Prime Minister or Headmaster or whatever they have out there...

Anyway, I found a delicious recipe for wontons! This is actually the first of my own recipes that I love and am absolutely addicted to.

The best part? They're baked instead of fried so they are totally within the ranges of my diet (ignore the fact I am inhaling cream cheese.)

My knitting needles are no longer on strike, I started a new sweater (I know.) but I'm already to the sleeves. I am getting super fast! Just call me "Lightening Needles Christine."

I'm going to bed now I may make it to pilates. Hopefully I'll be feeling okay.


Meliabella said...

Oh chin up! Being sad is not allowed. ;) I'm serious. Chicken McNuggets will solve all your problems. Make it happen. You know you want to.

kittenpie007 said...

New Zealand! You shoudl go and rule that land of Hobbits with an iron fist- and think of all the yarn at your disposal!

- Julie

Valerie said...

and if the Chicken McNuggets don't help.. Chocolate might or anything sweet in general. They have some great cookies that won't break your diet too. All is well in the cosmos, Miss Soon to Be Controller of New Zealand!

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