I love my new guitar. Isn't she beautiful? I don't know her name yet (yes, I name my instruments) but she is splendid and I love her and I luff her. She's an Art & Lutherie. That's a Canadian instrument and just another example of a great export from America's attic.
My guitar is kind of a tricky place for me though. Right now I know two chords and my ex-boyfriendish is my instructor. It's weird because we're talking regularly again and it's reminding me what I like about him. Also, it's reminding me what I hate about him. Still, it's kind of bad and it's kind of tricky, but his sister is pleased as punch we're getting along instead of being how we were before. Messy begins to describe it.
So, I'm thinking her name may be Valencia or maybe Molly or even Sally. Maybe I"ll go for a nickname a la Cubby (my autoharp). Maybe I'll name her Wiggles... no she's far too sophisticated for that.
OMG how funny. I saw the pic and the first few sentences about naming the guitar and immediately thought Mustang Sally. THEN I read Sally at the bottom was one you thought of. I do love the name Molly too though, we had a cat named that once...
I like the name Sally... but I cannot believe you called Canada 'America's attic'! You're lucky us Canadians are so easygoing, otherwise I'd be offended. ;-)
- Julie
PS- are you going to put your beanie pattern on Ravelry?
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