First let me say, I am so happy everyone has been commenting! I thought no one read this, then all of a sudden people started leaving me little notes. Thank you! It really brightened the rotten day I could have had! I'll be adding everyone's blogs to my blogroll once I eff with the look of my blog again.

I gave into my impulses and I did something I told myself I wouldn't. Well, news flash, it still hurts. Ohwell. When I was getting my haircut a couple weeks ago, I was talking to Crystal about the situation. I said, "Why should I have ever stayed with someone who wasn't 100% committed to me? He didn't love me and that's too bad, but I deserve better. I'm young and there is not just one love in your life. Fuck that." The lady in the chair across from me said, "You, my dear, are a wise girl." I forgot about that incident until I began typing this post. I think it's the ultimate compliment, "wise girl." I mean wise implies knowledgable about life and girl implies young. They're not two words that are usually put together. I feel so much better already. One thing that heals all wounds: Josephines.
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