Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Everyone has needs. Whether it's hunger (my current one), sleep, or crack. Everyone has a need and sometimes they're insatiable. There are two kinds of needs as well basic and ... let's just call them unique needs.

One of my unique needs-- YARN. I bought some last week from WEBS and am waiting for that shipment, but I haven't had a splurge since August. I did buy a different kind of yarn haul.

Eight skeins of glorious Day of the Dead inspired yarn. Some of it will be part of my swap, the other part will be sold on Tako. It turned out fabulous.

on Saturday, I went to a Halloween party. It revealed two needs. 1) On Wed, I have to go as pregnant Britney Spears. I have the perfect belly (shirt in a pair of pantie hose, piece of fabric wrapped around with safety pins), outfit (pink sweatsuit) and accessories (Cheetos.) I'm going to look freaking hot. The thing that sucks is the second need. It sucks that I go to parties and everyone is coupled up. I don't really want a boyfriend. They're work and sometimes they smell bad and you should see my luck with picking men. IT just blows that I don't have someone to go to parties with so I don't feel like such a 9th or 11th or 15th wheel. Is it so hard to find a guy friend that will hang around with me and not try much? Eyeroll.

Anyway, I'm still happy that I got my dye on and I'll be listing them tonight. I totally have been procrastinating getting ready for work.


Valerie said...

I love the Halloween costume! You have got to take pictures! Speaking of Loves, the second colorway of yarn, all mine if you put it up! =)

Melissa said...


There are more than two types of needs. But Cheetos should take care of most of them. Yarn looks great!

Come enter my contest!!! www.meliabella.wordpress.com

Hattie said...

Wow they look great!

elizabeth marley said...

That yarn is awesome. And you had better send me some pictures of you as pregnant Britney.

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