As we all know, I was sent home Friday because of my contagious eye. Though this was freaking sweet, I am a little nervous due to my quickly diminishing bank of Paid Time Off. Granted I have a good two days left, but I don't want to use them quite yet. I need some to carry over next year. The crappy thing is I don't know if I'm supposed to go to the doctor and get a note to go back to work or not. They have all these stupid rules at my work and if you're out for more than three days, you need a note from a doctor. Well, technically it hasn't been three days. Anyway, it doesn't matter because I don't know if I'll be able ot return to work tomorrow or not since my eyeball drops don't start making significant progress until Monday. I guess we'll see.
The other thing that's frustrating. My parents. I live closer to them than my brother and sister and it's annoying getting calls from them demanding I do thing with them. My dad has pretty much stopped listening to everything I say and he called me to ask me if I had to go to the doctor's when we already had a huge long convo about it. Then they're bitching that I don't go to church enough. I'm sorry but once a week is fine with me and I'm sorry but I don't really have much free time to myself and I don't like sharing it with old people who don't know anything about me. Today an old lady came up to me and asked me if I was visiting my parents and also if I was still in school. Conversation is as follows:
Lady: "Are you in school?"
Me: "No, I graduated from college in May."
Lady: "Oh, so you still live at home..."
Me: "No, I'm on my own. Just working."
Lady: "Because you didn't go to college."
Me: ". . . No, I graduated from college in May."
Ugh. I'm just so annoyed because my parents are still trying to control my life. I swear if I get a call from my parents once a day it's unusual. I feel like I'm going to rip out my hair.
In other, more enjoyable news. . . Ladies and Gentlemen, we have ourselves a finished object:

It's a scarf for my Marie Antoinette scarf. I love it and I think the pastelly colors are great. Oh team, I have to get moving. I have a date with my friend and her husband. He's leaving next Monday for Bah Rein (sp?) and this is the last time I'll see him for a year!
OH also: My New Years' Eve Resolutions:
- Keep better track of my FO
- Keep working out 3-4 times a week
- Grow the cajones to ask out Cute Grocery Store Boy
That scarf is totally bonbonlicisous! Good luck with the resolutions.
I totally support all of your new year's resolutions- particularly asking out the cute grocery store boy! Go for it.
And I googled it for you, because I'm a keener that way - Bahrain.
- Julie
Oh, and I forgot- great scarf! Very cute colourway, very Marie Antoinette.
Those are perfect resolutions! Get to work on #3 soon lady! -=giggle=-
Sorry you've been so frustrated lately. I hope the new year brings you time to relax and knit!
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