Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fourth Day Frustration

So, I thought I'd be totally stoked to have all four days off this week, but I'm a little bored and it doesn't help it's mostly because when it snows I go into anti-social mode. I love laying on the couch all day with a good knit and daytime TV to watch, but house sitting has been such a hassle this time. It wasn't too bad, I split my time just about even, but I'm kind of mad at myself for sitting on the couch for so long the past few days and not working out since Thursday. . . of last week.

Well, no biggie, I took a week off of working out... and kind of my diet. Tomorrow I'll pick up the pace again and since I'll be just spending all my time with the lovely Josephine at my apartment, I will definitely want to be out of the house. I may go and work out now. I'm a little bored.

Most of all I'm effing frustrated! I have been trying to knit a scarf ALL DAY. ALL DAY and nothing I mean NOTHING has come out of it. I've been using THREE different yarns and trying about SEVENTY different stitch patterns. I start to like it then I think, "NOPE." I think I'm just going to force myself to knit through it now. You should see my tags for the knitter project. "I've finally foudn the stitch now I can get rolling talking about what I'm really thinking about." -- an hour later -- "False alarm." It got to the point I just stopped writing tags. I have two, granted, but I am not going to continue until I've forced myself to decide on a stitch. After seeing Julie at Team Knit's Quoddy Scarf, we may have a winner though. I just need to get over my Hand-Dyed weirdness. Also, my green Malabrigo isn't very variegated it's kind of weird...

Anyway. I am off to try and do at least SOME progress today. I need something to show for the 10 hours of knitting I've been doing. (Yes literally.)

I think I'm just in a slump. Or maybe I'm just excited about my holiday bonus tomorrow!

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