Walter is alive!
Walter is coming back. I think he just hibernated.
Moving on.
I dyed yarn yesterday. I'm crazy, did you hear? And as I was dyeing I noticed something looked a little... bloody.

And last but not least, Josie is missing her Christiney.

In knitting news, my blanket is actually going pretty quickly. I've been working on a Clementine Shawlette for my mother and I'm already to chart C. My new sushi boss LOVES knitting too! She is Korean and can only read Japanese patterns, so I'm teaching her how to read patterns and she's already picked out her first project!
I'm also trying to devise a plan on how I will be spending my sushi money. I think 50% must go towards paying down my debt. I don't have much, but I have enough that I have to take control and just pay it off. The other half will probably go to sprucing up the apartment and getting much needed storage. I just realized I've been dyeing all this yarn it get it out of the way, but now it's just skeinlets in the way and until I list them I must find a way to handle them. We'll see.
Oh oh oh! I also found out that I can get on the internet in the two hour break I have from sushi in the middle of the day at the cafe by it, so I may just start bringing my laptop and cozying up for a couple hours.
And as far as perks on the sushi job, yes I am getting free sushi.
Well, I have to leave and I don't have pants on. Peace!
Your cat is so tremendously gorgeous. Awww.
Yeah Walter! May his recovery be a swift one!!
P.S. If you end up doing a Vampire motif yarn.. I want it!
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